Merewether Beach Experience

The family chose to visit Merewether beach this morning, and we happily bobbed amongst the waves for a few hours before the sun and heat became too intense. There was a definite feel of the Med this morning, as we lolled about in the rhythmic rise and fall of the ocean swell and watched the girls splash in their inflatable toys.
Merewether Beach is The Best of Newcastle simply because it boasts easy access, a generous sand spread and free parking. It is truly remarkable in 2010 to have free parking access to a world class beach in a city of any substantial size.
We retreated from the waves and wind as the westerly breeze freshened, and the umbrella bowed with each gust. Thoroughly salt encrusted and feeling the cooling tinkle of fresh sunburn, we retired to a friends house and sat by the air conditioner, eating fantastic green prawns fresh from the markets, barbequed with garlic and olive oil.
Bliss. Or as my Irish friend confided, "Does it get much better than this?"

1 comment:

  1. Drinking James Boag's Premium Lager, a heady 5% Tasmanian Beer, and chilled Audrey Wilkinson Sparkling Rose, in big red wine goblets.


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