Self Help Workshops

Self Help Workshops

Self Help Bren Murphy
Self Help Bren Murphy -
includes transformational hypnotherapy
As a personal coach, author and speaker, Bren Murphy is presenting a series of self help workshops across Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.  Self Help and personal growth is a popular area of exploration for people who are ready to experience life at a deeper level of awareness.

Personal Coach Newcastle

You are invited to come along and experience an engaging and at times funny workshop on exploring your own values and revealing your archetype through the heart centered process.

Mindset Coach Newcastle

Bren Murphy has travelled a diverse path in business, employment and now as a personal life coach based in Newcastle NSW.  Not long ago Bren was working two jobs,  as well as nurturing his own start-up online ventures - as well as working in mental health for a government department.  But, in the background, Bren was working through his own personal issues and you'll discover exactly the process and action he took to breakthrough in this area at the workshop.

Self Help Workshops

1 comment:

  1. Great to see that this blog is accepted with the Recommended Blogs at OnTopList. Sober Coaching BlogListing


Thank you for reaching out, you can contact Bren directly on 1300 084 004